On Convergence : Bonding Communication for Community
An International Conference
Convened by
ASEAN Media and Communication Studies Center (AMComm)
(Formerly ASEAN Mass Communication Studies and Research Center or AMSAR)
School of Communication Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
Bangkok, 17th May 2012
Since the beginning of the 21st century, communication mechanism has changed markedly in attempting to serve society in various dimensions. The term ?convergence? has reflected a widely interrelated components and functions of communication. In a broader sense, ?convergence phenomenon? embraces not only the interlocking of media technology and content or information, but also the interconnecting of its roles and impacts on both public and business organizations.
The convergence of media creates, on one hand, new opportunities for mass communication, education, entertainment, corporate communication, product advertising, etc. On the other hand, it brings together groups of individual citizens in exchanging information and opinions in different situations. Particularly in coping with risk or disaster, convergent channels frequently offer people a promising means in sharing facts and ideas emerged from their communities. Since human?s society has increasingly encountered new challenges, including those ever-changing socio-cultural, political, economic, and environmental conditions, communication is, thus, required to develop its techniques in order to actively engage stakeholders and extend its role to better serve society.
ASEAN Media and Communication Studies Center (AMComm) (formerly AMSAR), School of Communication Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) is organizing an international conference entitled ?On Convergence: Bonding Communication for Community,? to be held on the 17th of May 2012. The conference aims to gather and support innovative scholarly work examining various subjects concerning the role of media and communication, particularly in converging media tools to bond communities in various cultural and economic dimensions. The conference encourages researchers to explore diverse topics. Possible areas include, but are not limited to media content, technological transmission, market, product and service convergence as well as convergence on the level of the ethics, aesthetics and law of media. The conference seeks studies that address relevant topics in particular ASEAN countries, and welcomes comparative research on Asian countries or Asian and non-Asian countries.
Submission Guidelines
? Extended Due Date for Abstract Submission: March 31, 2012.
? Submit your abstract of no more than 300 words to [email protected] as an MS Word attachment (please use your full name to label the file).
? The authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by March 19, 2012.
? Full paper Submission Due is confirmed: April 20, 2012.
? Full paper submission should be in MS Word or PDF file; Times New Roman, 12 point, single-spaced; 3,500-6,000 words in length (including tables and figures).
Top Two quality papers will each receive a 3-night free accommodation on campus (fully furnished and equipped rooms)
A preliminary conference program and further details including registration and accommodation will also be posted on the AMComm (formerly AMSAR) website. (See http://amsarthailand.org)
Registration Methods:
? through the registration site: amcommregister
? via FAX: (++66) 02-275-2210 Attention: AMComm Center, UTCC
Registration Fees and Payment Methods:
? International delegates: 20 USD;
On-site payment at the conference registration desk
? Thais: 500 Bahts; Thai students: 200 Bahts;
Cash payment or a money transfer no later than April 30, 2012
(via Bangkok Bank account: ?AMComm? account number: 030-026-8828)
Papers will be selected for inclusion in the publication of AMComm Conference Proceeding.
Contact details
Dr.Suttanipa Srisai e-mail: [email protected] or
Dr.Kanyika Shaw e-mail: [email protected]
School of Communication Arts,
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC)
Dindang, Bangkok, 10400
Tel ++66-080-665-5078, ++66-081-8101084 or ++66-02-697-6606
Fax ++66-02-275-2210