As a parent, one of the first things to look out for when you move to a new area is to choose a school that your child will attend.

It is a bigger challenge when the new area is an entirely new country, say, for example, moving from the United States to Thailand. In this case, you would be in search of an international school.

New international schools are popping up in Thailand, and it is important that you are well guided before you decide where to send your kids.

Since you are new in the area, physically visiting the school or schools that you have in mind might be a great choice. It is a common practice for these international schools to offer excursions for parents. At these excursions, you can meet other parents who are looking for good schools for their children.

You would also be able to tell to a great extent whether the school would be able to meet the needs of your children. The school guides that are likely to be distributed on your visit can also serve as an invaluable resource.

Bangkok has a wide range of international schools that accommodate students of different nationalities. They also offer international curriculum, so there is no need to worry.

To choose the best school, you should do well to ask yourself the following questions:
Is the location of the school close to my home? Or is it easily accessible using public transportation?
What extra curriculum activities are there that would help my child develop outside the walls of the class?

Would my child need to learn a new language?

Would the curriculum offered at the school fit my child's need? Or would I need to hire a private tutor?

What is the teacher to child ratio of the class?

What is the level of parent involvement at the school?

The honest answers to these questions would help you in determining whether a particular international school is a good fit for a child or not.

If you looking for International schools in Bangkok please visit KIS International School.